‘Katalin Karikó: the power of focus’, en las Colloquia Nobel Series

Fechas: Vie, 23/02/2024 – 12:00 – Vie, 23/02/2024 – 13:30
Lugar: Salón de Actos del ICMM-CSIC. C/ Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, 3, Cantoblanco, Madrid (Madrid)
Tipo de evento: Conferencia

Matilde Cañelles López, investigadora del CSIC en el Instituto de Filosofía (IFS-CSIC), protagoniza la primera edición de este año de la serie Colloquia Nobel Series del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), en la que nos regala una exposición sobre Katalin Karikópremio Nobel de Medicina 2023 junto a Drew Weismann, la bioquímica que entendió cómo utilizar el ARN mensajero para curarnos e inmunizarnos.

La conferencia tendrá lugar en inglés:

Katalin Karikó won, together with Drew Weismann, the 2023 Nobel Prize, for her crucial contribution to the development of an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19. The vaccine, developed in record time, was of great importance to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, saving countless lives and preventing sequelae from the illness all around the Globe. In this talk, I will explore the personal and professional circumstances that led this amazing Hungarian woman to unexpectedly become the center of the world during the worst sanitary emergency that most of us has witnessed. I will focus on her education in an Eastern European country, her character, and the flaws of the scientific environment that almost led her to abandon her pursue of an mRNA vaccine

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